We are students in 2ºESO in the IES Pobra do Caramiñal.
Some weeks ago in the English class, we were studying vocabulary related to the human body.
Then, we learnt about the importance of food to be healthy. We were studying different kinds of vegetables and fruits, studying their impact on our body depending on their colour.
For example, we studied that red fruits and vegetables, such as tomatoes, strawberries and peppers, are good for our heart, our blood pressure and our skin. We also learnt that yellow and orange foods, such as oranges, pumpkins and carrots, can help us with our joints, our tissues and our eyesight. Purple veggies such as grapes and blueberries will help us with our memory, our cells and our urinary system.

Moreover, green fruits and vegetables can help us with our digestion, our eyesight, our bones and our immune system, which we especially need to maintain strong because of the COVID-19 pandemic that we are living nowadays.
Last but not least, white fruits and vegetables such as mushrooms, asparagus or cauliflower are very good for our colon and can help us prevent ulcers. They also help us with our immune system, our cholesterol and our heart.
We also studied that there are other healthy habits that will help usto be healthy: sleeping at least 8 hours a day, not smoking and doing exercise are essential in our daily lives.

With all this new information and vocabulary we did some tasks and then our teacher Ms Mª José Sevilla and the coordinator of the Erasmus+ program HOPE, Mr Angel Vidal, surprised us with these nice posters.
So, we learnt how to make recommendations to our friends using all the vocabulary we had learnt in class.
Finally some of us participated in an online meeting with the other schools involved in the project HOPE and shared our work with other students from abroad.

All the process was a nice experience and we learnt a lot.
Other related content:
Tips to boost your immunity
Why are probiotics so named?
Probiotics in Anatomy lessons – H.O.P.E. (erasmuspr.eu)
Great job! I really appreciated it.