Scoala Gimnaziala Mircea ELiade

Mircea Eliade School is a primary and lower-secondary public school situated in Craiova, a city of 300.000 inhabitants in the South-West of Romania.
The school has around 1.200 students and 60 teachers. Over the years, the school has proved to be one of the best schools in Dolj county, based on national tests results. Students who attend our school come from various backgrounds but all benefit from an inclusive and high-quality education. Our aim as teachers is to increase competitiveness and competences that are required in today’s knowledge-based society. The linguistic competence concurs with the other key competencies, such as citizenship, social, entrepreneurial, cultural and multicultural ones to personal fulfilment and social inclusion.
Starting from the experiences and good practices already realized in the partners’ countries and in Europe, we are trying to raise awareness among our students about the benefits of growing up in a healthy environment. Therefore we feel that the topic of probiotic nutrition will enable them to
familiarize with terms and facts about dietary habits and a healthy lifestyle. This project will also address another relevant aspect of the young generation i.e. giving in to temptations of having unhealthy snacks instead of nutritious foods. As a consequence, a rather significant number of
students are at risk of becoming overweight or are already in this situation. By educating them on how to make the right choices, they will be the first beneficiaries, together with their families and the entire school community.
The key people involved in running the project will be: the project coordinator, Mrs Lidia Cazacu, who is an English teacher with 22 years teaching experience, holding an MA degree in Educational Management and Institutional Communication, with experience in other European Erasmus
programmes; the school’s principal, Mrs Genoveva Ioana, who is a Math teacher with 25 years experience, holding an MA degree in Educational Management and Institutional Communication, currently a PhD student in IT, a trainer for principles on national level; team member Mrs Gina
Grumajel, who is a Biology teacher with 15 years experience, also responsible for preparing students to administer First Aid within the Red Cross organization; team member Mrs Ecaterina Anghel, who is a PE teacher with 20 years experience, organizer of numerous sports competitions and youth camps. We will also involve parents from our parents’ association who are certified dieticians and nutritionists.

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